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Scrolling through Instagram it struck me, that most people are chasing goals, envying other’s goals, trying to stick to and achieve their goals and attempting to help others do the same. A few of the hashtag goals that leapt out at me were, #squadgoals, #relationshipgoals, #fitnessgoals… all great I suppose. However, for a transformed life, what if we considered #holinessgoals?


To enter into a new existence,

to have a new mind,

a new heart,

new views,

new principals,

new tastes,

new affections,

new likes,

new dislikes,

new fears,

new joys,

new sorrows,

new love to things once hated,

new hatred to things once loved,

new thoughts of God, ourselves, the world,

the life to come and salvation.

- Bishop J. C. Ryle

This is something that’s been on my mind quite a bit lately. I’ve also noticed it all over Instagram. My thirst and curiosity sent me on the search to learn if there were others feeling this undeniable call towards holiness. This quest lead me first to Jess Connelly’s Dance Stand Run, then, So much so that I’m considering making this a weekly series of sorts. Maybe dropping some ideas each week on how we can move on our #holinessgoals. You with me?